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About Me: Senior Project


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As a graduation requirement, I must complete a Senior Project that embellishes what I've learned in my four years at Science Leadership Academy. It should relate to our (5) leading core values: Inquiry, Research, Collaboration, Process, and Reflection. I tried to think of one thing that really does consist of everything for this project and the only thing that stuck to me was a collaboration of my brand, Face by Lí. However, I knew it needed to raise questions, think from a larger perspective and create more than just makeup looks consistently. After thinking about what interests me: talking, makeup, history, plus researching and learning new things; I finally came up with, Make-Up Conversations. These 45 minute conversations will have a warm-up, some snacks, and each discussion will be lead with an intricate essential question. This way it can be complex and pulled apart to still show the pertinent layers that connect to history, cultural and societal stigmas, plus so much more like influence of certain trends and brands over others. It is a discussion period for everyone to come together and have an open space conversation not only for empowerment but a better understanding on how our generation feels about makeup, it’s application on our skin, the trends we follow, their historical connections, and how they piece into our communities. In the end, I want these conversations to leave the individuals that come to discuss with a much larger view on how makeup has shaped our world, is still influencing us, and how it will leave an impact on future societies.

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